Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Creating a Prototype Security Gate with Lego Mindstorm Essay examples -

SECURITY GATEAbstractFor many years many flock have utilize security supply to take care of parking lots,buildings, and roads. It all started with people watching over restricted areas. Nowadays,we have a more sophisticated system for security gates. You usually have to stop and puta card into the machine or pay a certain total of money. The problem is that you muststop and reach out to insert something in order for the crane arm to lift up. We havethought of an idea to better this current procedure. We have thought of installing aspecial code or device in cars so that every time it stands in a security gate, it sends acode to the security gate, and if its the right code, allow the car in. Using LegoMindstorm, we made a prototype of such a car. We downloaded a NQC code into theRCX of the car(s) and security gate. The NQC will only let the car with the right code in,but it will sound an alarm for all the cars that do not have the correct code. This willkeep everything safer, make the procedure faster, and hopefully make everything easierfor everyone.BackgroundSecurity gates were invented a long time ago. It take down surprised us when we readthe article, Toll Roads in the United States on Wikipedia and found out that they startedto come out in the 1790s. Security gates are also known as turnpikes, toll roads, and tollpikes. Years ago, people would stand in a certain place on a road and collect fees frompeople who used that particular road. After several individuals noticed that a lot of peoplewere doing this to get money, they eventually got together to from companies. Thesecompanies used the money to improve the roads instead of collecting the money andkeeping it to themselves. The... ...SendMessage(3)ClearMessage()Wait(1)*/SendMessage(3)Wait(1)SendMessage(3)PlayTone(1800, 200)On(LEFT+RIGHT)Wait(200)find()follow()Rejected Car//motors and sensorsdefine LEFT OUT_Adefine RIGHT OUT_Cdefine spunk SENSOR_2//thresholddefine BLACK_LIGHT 34define BLACK_DARK 38ta sk main()SetTxPower(TX_POWER_HI)SetPower(LEFT+RIGHT, 1)SetSensor(EYE, SENSOR_LIGHT)On(LEFT+RIGHT)Fwd(LEFT+RIGHT)until(EYEBLACK_LIGHT && EYEWait(8)Off(LEFT+RIGHT)ClearMessage()repeat(10)SendMessage(4)until(Message() =0)//ClearMessage()//until(Message() =0)if(Message() == 5)Wait(120)On(LEFT+RIGHT)Rev(LEFT+RIGHT)Wait(120)SetPower(LEFT+RIGHT, 7)Fwd(LEFT)Rev(RIGHT)Wait(95)SetPower(LEFT+RIGHT, 1)Fwd(LEFT+RIGHT)Wait(100)Off(LEFT+RIGHT)

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